
How Do I Drag and Drop in Vue?

How Do I Drag and Drop in Vue?

Learn to make a drag and drop interface to manipulate array data in Vue.js. Drag to sort array or drag elements between different arrays.
Start Testing With Vitest (Beginner’s Guide)

Start Testing With Vitest (Beginner’s Guide)

Welcome to the world of testing! Ensuring that your code is reliable and bug-free is an essential part of the software development process, and using a good testing frameworks can greatly assist in this effort.
Charles Allotey
Charles Allotey
Improving Reactivity with VueUse

Improving Reactivity with VueUse

 VueUse is a library of over 200 utility functions that can be used to interact with a range of APIs including those for the browser, state, network, animation, and time. These functions allow developers to easily add reactive capabilities to their Vue.js projects, helping them to build powerful and responsive user interfaces with ease.
Charles Allotey
Charles Allotey
How to Build Feature Rich Forms in Vue.js

How to Build Feature Rich Forms in Vue.js

Build feature-rich forms for Vue applications with validation, submission states, i18n, and more with FormKit's simple but flexible API.
Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Techniques for Sharing Data between Vue.js Components

Techniques for Sharing Data between Vue.js Components

With the growing use of component-based architectures, large and complex apps are becoming more common. Larger applications are broken into small reusable chunks that makes it easier to build, maintain, test and understand. As this is done there is a need to share data between these pieces to create functionality and interactivity.
Charles Allotey
Charles Allotey
Getting Started with Nuxi (Nuxt CLI)

Getting Started with Nuxi (Nuxt CLI)

Nuxt 3 comes with tons of features to improve performance and developer experience of Vue.js apps. A Nuxt CLI (nicknamed Nuxi) was introduced to provide a no dependency experience for easily scaffolding your Nuxt projects.This article seeks to explore Nuxi and introduce you to some of its features. I will also demonstrate how to use some of the commands offered by Nuxi.
Charles Allotey
Charles Allotey
Understanding the Directory structure in Nuxt 3

Understanding the Directory structure in Nuxt 3

The file structure of a project is important for ensuring good code organization and for making maintenance and debugging easier. In this article, we’ll learn about Nuxt 3 conventions for structuring your next project’s files.
Charles Allotey
Charles Allotey
Hybrid Rendering in Nuxt.js 3

Hybrid Rendering in Nuxt.js 3

Nuxt 3 gives you plenty of options when it comes to rendering. There’s SSG, SSR, Universal, SPA, and ISG. Or mix it up per route with hybrid!
Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
How to Package and Distribute a Vue.js 3 Plugin on NPM

How to Package and Distribute a Vue.js 3 Plugin on NPM

Learn how to package and distribute a Vue.js 3 plugin on NPM. Use Vite to build it and vue-tsc to generate types for optimal DX.
Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly

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