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Mostafa Said
Mostafa Said
With over 7 years of e-learning expertise honed at major companies like Vodafone Intelligent Solutions (_VOIS), Mostafa is full-time instructor at Vue School and a full-stack developer in the wild. He built and maintained dozens of apps using Vue, Nuxt, Laravel, Tailwind, and more. He merges modern teaching methods with coding education to empower aspiring developers of all experience levels. When he's not glued to the code editor, hackathons fuel his competitive spirit, with Deepgram and Appwrite grand prizes under his belt.
How to Create Supabase Database Migration Files in Vue.js

How to Create Supabase Database Migration Files in Vue.js

In this guide, we’ll focus on creating migration files for a remote Supabase database, ensuring that our the database is updated directly from within our Vue.js project.
Secure Your Vue.js 3 App: Laravel 11 Middleware with Pinia and Vue Router

Secure Your Vue.js 3 App: Laravel 11 Middleware with Pinia and Vue Router

Learn how to secure your Vue.js 3 app by creating custom Laravel 11 middleware, utilizing Pinia for state management, and implementing Vue Router guards for enhanced protection.
Updated June 24th 2024
How to Master Vue Router in Vue.js 3 with Composition API

How to Master Vue Router in Vue.js 3 with Composition API

Discover how to effectively master Vue Router in Vue.js 3 using the powerful Composition API. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions, best practices, and practical examples to help you seamlessly integrate routing into your Vue.js projects.
Updated June 7th 2024
Master Vue.js 3: The Ultimate Guide for Building Real-World Apps in 2024

Master Vue.js 3: The Ultimate Guide for Building Real-World Apps in 2024

Unlock the secrets to master Vue.js 3 in 2024. Discover expert tips, best practices, and advanced techniques for building top-tier, real-world apps.
Updated May 21st 2024
Automatic File-Based Routing in Vue.js with TypeScript Support

Automatic File-Based Routing in Vue.js with TypeScript Support

This article introduces you to the exciting world of Automatic File-Based Routing in Vue.js 3 using unplugin-vue-router. Say goodbye to verbose router configuration files and embrace a more intuitive, maintainable, and developer-friendly way to define your application's routes.
Updated May 6th 2024
The Ultimate Guide for Using Vue.js with Laravel

The Ultimate Guide for Using Vue.js with Laravel

This article is your guide to navigating the exciting world of Vue-Laravel integration. We'll delve into different approaches, exploring their strengths and weaknesses to help you choose the perfect match for your project.
Updated January 16th 2024

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