
Testing a Vue Component

Testing a Vue Component

In this article we take a look at Vue.js components testing.
Snapshot Testing

Snapshot Testing

One of the features that amazed me about Jest is snapshot testing.
Alex Jover Morales
Alex Jover Morales
Test Doubles

Test Doubles

Test doubles, spies, and mocking, all sound intriguing, but what do they actually mean?
Alex Jover Morales
Alex Jover Morales
Testing in JavaScript

Testing in JavaScript

In the second part we're going to look at a few tools we can use and then write our very first unit tests.
Alex Jover Morales
Alex Jover Morales
What’s testing and why should we do it?

What’s testing and why should we do it?

In the very first article in this 5 part series about testing in JavaScript, we're going to look at what testing really is.
Alex Jover Morales
Alex Jover Morales
Make the Router a Vue.js Plugin

Make the Router a Vue.js Plugin

Let's make a quite simple yet complete router plugin from scratch.
Alex Jover Morales
Alex Jover Morales
Lazy Load Routes

Lazy Load Routes

Lazy Loading and Code Splitting are two of the main points of the PRPL Pattern, a pattern named by Google which intent is to to provide some structure to make the initial load of a Progressive Web App (PWA) as fast as possible, boosting the performance.
Alex Jover Morales
Alex Jover Morales
Enhance Router To Work With Single Page Applications

Enhance Router To Work With Single Page Applications

At this point, the router doesn't work as a Single Page App (SPA) router, since it assigns a new route to window.location directly, which performs a hard reload. Let’s see what we have to do to adapt our router to serve as a SPA router
Alex Jover Morales
Alex Jover Morales
Creating Your Own Vue.js Router

Creating Your Own Vue.js Router

Learn how to build your own vue.js router in this tutorial series.
Alex Jover Morales
Alex Jover Morales

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