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Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Daniel is the lead instructor at Vue School and enjoys helping other developers reach their full potential. He has 10+ years of developer experience using technologies including Vue.js, Nuxt.js, and Laravel.
Year End Wrap up

Year End Wrap up

Hello and Happy Holidays from the team here at Vue School! In this blogpost, let's share with you how our year has been.
What to expect from Vue.js in 2024

What to expect from Vue.js in 2024

Just like the rest of the front end development world, the Vue world moves fast. In this article, I’d like to take a look at the current state of Vue and share my predictions on where things might be headed in 2024.
Updated December 14th 2023
The Vue 3 Transition Component 101

The Vue 3 Transition Component 101

Vue.js 3 provides a powerful Transition component to spice up your applications with UX enhancing transitions. Learn how to use it in the article.
Updated July 20th 2023
Sorting, Filtering, and Paginating Data from a Laravel Backend in a Vue.js SPA

Sorting, Filtering, and Paginating Data from a Laravel Backend in a Vue.js SPA

Learn how to quickly support query params to filter, sort, and paginate in Laravel and auto fetch new data from the front end whenever such params are updated.
Updated March 28th 2023
State of the Vuenion 2023: A Recap of Evan You’s Address at Vue.js Amsterdam 2023

State of the Vuenion 2023: A Recap of Evan You’s Address at Vue.js Amsterdam 2023

Evan You, creator of Vue.js, addressed a sold out audience at Vue.js Amsterdam 2023. Topics included: a 2023 roadmap, v3 adoption, vapor mode,and more!
Updated February 16th 2023
How Do I Drag and Drop in Vue?

How Do I Drag and Drop in Vue?

Learn to make a drag and drop interface to manipulate array data in Vue.js. Drag to sort array or drag elements between different arrays.
Updated January 18th 2023
How to Build Feature Rich Forms in Vue.js

How to Build Feature Rich Forms in Vue.js

Build feature-rich forms for Vue applications with validation, submission states, i18n, and more with FormKit's simple but flexible API.
Updated December 14th 2022
What is changing for Vuejs developers in 2023

What is changing for Vuejs developers in 2023

2022 saw some major changes in the Vue.js ecosystem from Vue 3 becoming the new default Vue version, to development environments pivoting to Vite, to a stable release of Nuxt 3. What do all these changes, and others, mean for Vue.js devs in 2023?
Updated December 5th 2022
What I Learned from Teaching Vue

What I Learned from Teaching Vue

Hey everybody! Daniel Kelly here. If you’re reading this article then you probably know me as the teacher of many Vue School courses. I’ve been doing this for almost 2 years now and love the chance to share knowledge and by extension of that, opportunities to students like you!
Updated November 30th 2022

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