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Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Daniel is the lead instructor at Vue School and enjoys helping other developers reach their full potential. He has 10+ years of developer experience using technologies including Vue.js, Nuxt.js, and Laravel.
Hybrid Rendering in Nuxt.js 3

Hybrid Rendering in Nuxt.js 3

Nuxt 3 gives you plenty of options when it comes to rendering. There’s SSG, SSR, Universal, SPA, and ISG. Or mix it up per route with hybrid!
How to Package and Distribute a Vue.js 3 Plugin on NPM

How to Package and Distribute a Vue.js 3 Plugin on NPM

Learn how to package and distribute a Vue.js 3 plugin on NPM. Use Vite to build it and vue-tsc to generate types for optimal DX.
Updated October 19th 2022
How to Create a Vue.js 3 Tool Tip Plugin

How to Create a Vue.js 3 Tool Tip Plugin

What is a Vue.js Plugin and how can you create one for yourself? Find out how as we build a Tool Tip plugin together for Vue.js 3.
Updated September 28th 2022
Global State Management with Pinia In Nuxt 3

Global State Management with Pinia In Nuxt 3

Should you use Pinia for global state management with Nuxt 3? We think so! In this article, find out how and why.
Updated September 13th 2022
What is the Jamstack?

What is the Jamstack?

The Jamstack is a popular web development stack that offers a variety of benefits and has taken the development community by storm in recent years but what exactly is it? In this article let’s examine how it works at a high level and talk about why you might want to use it.
Updated August 24th 2022
Vue.js Forge Episode 1 In Review

Vue.js Forge Episode 1 In Review

The first ever Vue.js Forge was an event to remember! More than 2,500 coders worldwide got hands-on Vue.js experience with the latest technologies.
Updated August 5th 2022
How to Migrate from Vuex to Pinia

How to Migrate from Vuex to Pinia

Learn how to migrate from Vuex to Pinia, the officially recommended global state management solution for Vue.js.
Updated June 28th 2022
Vue Conf US Day 2 Summary

Vue Conf US Day 2 Summary

Vue Conf US day 2 proved to be just as fruitful as day one! Get a quick rundown of the day's talks in this summary article.
Updated June 15th 2022
Vue Conf US Day 1 Summary

Vue Conf US Day 1 Summary

Vue Conf US day 1 featured talks from industry experts and tons of information for advancing your Vue career.
Updated June 9th 2022

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