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Real-time data with Laravel Reverb and Vue.js

Real-time data with Laravel Reverb and Vue.js

Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
June 11th 2024

Do you need real-time magic in your Laravel and Vue.js projects? Imagine:

  • Chat apps that update instantly, without a refresh.
  • Live dashboards that are always up to date with the freshest data
  • or even an app that just benefits from small real time data features here and there as the UX demands

This is the power of Laravel Reverb and Vue.js, and our new course, "Real-Time Data with Laravel Reverb and Vue.js," will show you exactly how to harness it!

Stop settling for stale data or constantly polling your backends. This course dives deep into building dynamic, engaging applications that update seamlessly in real-time. You'll learn to:

  • Effortlessly install and configure Laravel Reverb for your project.
  • Master the art of pushing data from your Laravel backend to the Vue.js frontend using events.
  • Become a pro at listening for real-time data updates on the client-side with Vue.js.
  • Secure your real time channels, ensuring only authorized users receive specific data updates.

This course is perfect for:

  • Laravel and Vue.js developers wanting to add real-time magic to their projects.
  • Anyone seeking to build highly interactive and engaging web applications.
  • Developers looking to elevate their skillset with a powerful new technology.

Start learning Vue.js for free

Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Daniel is the lead instructor at Vue School and enjoys helping other developers reach their full potential. He has 10+ years of developer experience using technologies including Vue.js, Nuxt.js, and Laravel.

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