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About the Real-Time Data with Laravel Reverb and Vue.js course

Do you like pairing Vue.js with Laravel backends? Do you need real-time data support for your application?

Then Laravel Reverb is the solution for you! It’s a blazing fast and scalable real-time WebSocket solution enabling async communication from your backend to your front-end.

Learn how to ditch polling in favor of real-time server events with this first party broadcasting package from the Laravel core team.

Best of all, we’ll walk you through step by step of how to setup reverb and how to use it in the context of a Vue.js front-end.

Things You’ll Learn

  • How to setup Laravel Reverb
  • How to broadcast server events with Laravel Reverb
  • How to listen for server events from a Vue.js front-end
  • How to scope events to only certain users