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JavaScript Error Re-Throwing: What, Why, When?

JavaScript Error Re-Throwing: What, Why, When?

Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Updated: March 6th 2025
This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series JavaScript Error Handling

We've all been there—staring at cryptic error messages at 2 AM, wondering where things went wrong. Error handling can feel like a thankless task, one that's essential but rarely celebrated. If you've mastered the basics of try-catch blocks but still find yourself struggling with complex error scenarios, you're not alone. There are many strategies for enhancing your error handling but one—the art of re-throwing errors—is often overlooked, yet it's the secret weapon that can transform your debugging nightmares into manageable, even elegant solutions.

In this guide, I'll walk you through everything you need to know about re-throwing errors in JavaScript, complete with practical examples and best practices that will level up your error management strategy.

What Is Error Re-throwing and Why Should You Care?

Error re-throwing is exactly what it sounds like: catching an error, potentially performing some operations with it, and then throwing it again so it continues up the call stack. But don't let this simple definition fool you—re-throwing opens up a world of sophisticated error handling possibilities.

The Power of "Catch and Release"

When you catch an error only to throw it again, you're creating strategic checkpoints in your code where you can:

  • Log critical information before the error disrupts the program flow
  • Transform error details to make them more useful
  • Add contextual information that helps with debugging
  • Filter errors to handle some types while letting others propagate
  • Maintain a clean separation of concerns in your error handling logic

Basic Error Re-throwing Syntax

Let's start with the fundamentals:

try {
} catch (error) {
  // Do something with the error
  console.error("An error occurred:", error.message);

  // Re-throw the same error
  throw error;

This pattern gives you a chance to react to the error without stopping its propagation. It's like a relay race where you briefly hold the baton (the error), tag it with your information, and then pass it along to the next runner in the chain.

Practical Error Re-throwing Strategies

Transforming Errors Before Re-throwing

One of the most useful patterns is to convert cryptic low-level errors into more meaningful ones:

try {
  await fetchUserData(userId);
} catch (error) {
  if (error.status === 404) {
    throw new Error(`User with ID ${userId} not found`);
  } else if (error.status === 403) {
    throw new Error(`You don't have permission to access user ${userId}`);
  } else {
    // For unexpected errors, add context but preserve the original
    error.message = `Failed to fetch user data: ${error.message}`;
    throw error;

In this example, we're transforming generic HTTP status code errors into specific, context-rich messages that explain exactly what went wrong in terms relevant to our application domain. A 404 becomes a clear "user not found" message that includes the specific ID that couldn't be located. A 403 translates into a permissions issue. For unexpected errors, we preserve the original error but enhance its message with contextual information. This pattern creates more actionable errors that help both developers and potentially end-users understand what happened.

Error Enrichment Pattern

Add contextual information to your errors without losing the original details:

try {
} catch (error) {
  // Create a new error with enhanced context and set the original error as the cause
  const enhancedError = new Error(`Payment processing failed for order #${order.id}: ${error.message}`, { cause: error });

  // Preserve the original error's stack trace
  enhancedError.stack = error.stack;

  // Add relevant context as properties
  enhancedError.orderId = order.id;
  enhancedError.timestamp = new Date().toISOString();

  throw enhancedError;

This pattern shows how to enrich an error with valuable debugging context. When a payment processing error occurs, we create a new error that includes the specific order ID in its message for immediate context. Using the ES2022 cause property, we preserve the entire original error. We also add custom properties like orderId and timestamp that can be useful for logging, debugging, and potentially recovery processes. This approach gives you the best of both worlds—a high-level, contextual error message while retaining all the original technical details.

Error Re-throwing in Async/Await Contexts

The async/await syntax has changed how we write asynchronous code, but the principles of re-throwing remain relevant:

async function uploadUserAvatar(userId, imageFile) {
  try {
    const user = await getUserById(userId);
    const uploadResult = await cloudStorage.upload(imageFile);

    return await updateUserProfile(userId, { avatar: uploadResult.url });
  } catch (error) {
    if (error.code === 'STORAGE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED') {
      // Convert to a user-friendly error
      throw new Error('Your storage space is full. Please free up space before uploading.');

    // Add operation context before re-throwing
    error.operation = 'uploadUserAvatar';
    error.affectedUser = userId;

    // Re-throw with added context
    throw error;

This example demonstrates error handling in a modern async/await function that performs multiple asynchronous operations. The function attempts to upload a user's avatar image, which involves several steps that could fail. The single catch block handles errors from any of these steps, showing two different re-throwing approaches: 1) For quota errors, we transform the technical error into a user-friendly message that suggests a solution, and 2) For other errors, we enrich the original error with operation-specific context (function name and affected user) before re-throwing it. This pattern maintains clean, readable code while ensuring errors contain helpful information for both users and developers.

Creating Custom Error Classes for Better Re-throwing

Custom error classes take your error handling to the next level. Take this custom APIError class as an example:

class APIError extends Error {
  constructor(message, statusCode, endpoint) {
    this.name = 'APIError';
    this.statusCode = statusCode;
    this.endpoint = endpoint;
    this.timestamp = new Date();

  // "Client error" here refers to HTTP status codes 400-499,
  // which indicate the request was invalid (e.g., 404 Not Found, 403 Forbidden)
  // This is NOT about errors in browser JavaScript, but rather about
  // invalid requests made to the server
  isClientError() {
    return this.statusCode >= 400 && this.statusCode < 500;

  // "Server error" refers to HTTP status codes 500-599,
  // which indicate problems on the server side (e.g., 500 Internal Server Error)
  isServerError() {
    return this.statusCode >= 500;

The custom APIError class above extends JavaScript's native Error class, adding API-specific properties and helper methods. By including the statusCode and endpoint, we capture critical context about what failed and where. The timestamp automatically records when the error occurred, which is invaluable for debugging race conditions or intermittent issues.

The helper methods isClientError() and isServerError() make our error handling code more readable and maintainable by encapsulating the HTTP status code logic. Now let's see how to use this custom error class:

// Using the custom error
try {
  const response = await fetch('/api/users');

  if (!response.ok) {
    throw new APIError(
      `Failed to fetch users: ${response.statusText}`,

  return await response.json();
} catch (error) {

Here, we're using our custom error class when making an API request. If the response isn't successful, we throw an APIError with relevant details. This provides much richer context than a generic error, enabling more precise error handling downstream.

  // Re-throw client errors after logging
  if (error instanceof APIError && error.isClientError()) {
    console.warn(`API client error: ${error.message}`);
    throw error;

For client errors (like 404 Not Found), we log a warning but re-throw the error to let calling code decide how to handle it. This approach works well for non-fatal errors that higher-level code might want to recover from.

  // Transform and re-throw server errors
  if (error instanceof APIError && error.isServerError()) {
    const friendlyError = new Error('The server is experiencing issues. Please try again later.', { cause: error });
    throw friendlyError;

  // Re-throw unknown errors
  throw error;

For server errors (like 500 Internal Server Error), we transform the technical error into a user-friendly message while preserving the original error as the cause. This pattern ensures users see relevant information while the complete technical details remain available for debugging.

The final catch-all ensures any unexpected error types still propagate properly, maintaining the principle that errors should be visible unless explicitly handled.

Best Practices for Error Re-throwing

To make the most of error re-throwing, follow these guidelines:

1. Don't Swallow Errors Without Good Reason

Re-throwing ensures that errors don't disappear into the void. If you catch an error and don't re-throw it, you'd better have a good reason, such as:

  • You've fully handled the error condition
  • The error is expected and doesn't represent a problem
  • You're deliberately isolating a component from the outside world

2. Add Context, Don't Remove It

When re-throwing, focus on adding valuable information rather than stripping it away:

// Bad: Losing original error details
try {
  await database.query(sql);
} catch (error) {
  throw new Error('Database error occurred');

// Good: Preserving and enhancing error info
try {
  await database.query(sql);
} catch (error) {
  error.sql = sql;
  error.message = `Database error: ${error.message}`;
  throw error;

3. Use Custom Error Types to Create Handling Boundaries

Re-throwing different types of errors allows calling code to handle each appropriately:

function processUserInput(input) {
  try {
  } catch (error) {
    // Re-throw validation errors as-is
    if (error instanceof ValidationError) {
      throw error;

    // Transform and re-throw processing errors
    if (error instanceof ProcessingError) {
      throw new UserFacingError('We couldn\\'t process your request properly.');

    // Add context to unexpected errors
    error.message = `Unexpected error processing user input: ${error.message}`;
    error.input = input;
    throw error;

Common Error Handling Pitfalls to Avoid

Even with the best intentions, developers can fall into traps that undermine their error handling strategies. When re-throwing errors, seemingly small mistakes can lead to significant debugging challenges, lost information, or errors that never get properly addressed. Let's examine the most common pitfalls and how to avoid them:

Mistake #1: Losing the Stack Trace

The stack trace is your best friend when debugging errors—it shows exactly where things went wrong and the execution path that led there. One of the most common mistakes when re-throwing errors is accidentally discarding this valuable information. When you create a new error without properly preserving the original stack trace, you're essentially erasing the crime scene evidence:

// DON'T do this
try {
} catch (error) {
  throw new Error(error.message); // Loses the original stack trace!

// Better approach
try {
} catch (error) {
  const newError = new Error(`Enhanced context: ${error.message}`);
  newError.stack = error.stack;
  throw newError;

// Even better with modern JavaScript (ES2022+)
try {
} catch (error) {
  throw new Error(`Enhanced context: ${error.message}`, { cause: error });

Mistake #2: Handling Errors at the Wrong Level

Not every function needs to catch and re-throw errors. Sometimes it's better to let errors bubble up naturally to a level that has enough context to handle them properly.

Consider this example:

// Low-level utility function
function parseUserData(userData) {
  // DON'T do this (handling at the wrong level)
  try {
    return JSON.parse(userData);
  } catch (error) {
    // Too low-level to know what to do with this error
    console.error('Error parsing user data');
    return {}; // Returning empty object hides the error completely!

// Mid-level function
function getUserPreferences(userId) {
  const userData = fetchUserDataFromStorage(userId);
  // If parseUserData silently returns {}, we'll never know something went wrong
  return parseUserData(userData).preferences || [];

// Low-level utility that doesn't try to handle errors
function parseUserData(userData) {
  return JSON.parse(userData); // Let errors bubble up

// Higher-level function with enough context to handle errors properly
function getUserPreferences(userId) {
  try {
    const userData = fetchUserDataFromStorage(userId);
    return parseUserData(userData).preferences || [];
  } catch (error) {
    // Here we know it's related to user preferences and have the userId
    if (error instanceof SyntaxError) {
      logCorruptUserData(userId, error);
      return []; // Provide default with proper logging
    throw error; // Re-throw other errors

In this example, the low-level parsing function shouldn't try to handle errors since it lacks the context to do so meaningfully. The higher-level function knows which user is involved and can provide appropriate fallbacks or logging.

Mistake #3: Inconsistent Error Objects

Maintain consistency in your custom error objects to make error handling predictable across your application.

For example, if authentication errors in one part of your application include a userId and attemptTime, but similar errors elsewhere only contain a message, your error handling becomes fragmented and unpredictable. A consistent approach might ensure all security-related errors include standardized properties like userId, resourceType, attemptTime, and securityLevel - making it easier to implement unified logging, monitoring, and user feedback.

Conclusion: The Art of Strategic Error Re-throwing

Re-throwing errors in JavaScript is about strategic error management that balances:

  • Transparency: Making errors visible where they need to be seen
  • Context: Ensuring errors carry enough information to understand and fix the issue
  • User Experience: Converting technical errors into actionable information

By mastering the techniques described in this article, you’ve added another valuable error handling strategy to your tool belt. If you’d like to dive deeper into error handling checkout our video course dedicated to the topic. You can start watching for FREE! The course will help you transform your error handling from a defensive necessity into a powerful tool that makes your applications more robust, maintainable, and user-friendly.

Remember: the goal isn't to eliminate all errors (that's impossible), but to ensure that when errors do occur, they're caught, enhanced, and re-thrown in ways that help you resolve issues faster and provide better experiences for your users.

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Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Daniel is the lead instructor at Vue School and enjoys helping other developers reach their full potential. He has 10+ years of developer experience using technologies including Vue.js, Nuxt.js, and Laravel.


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