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An Overview of Changes in Nuxt 4

An Overview of Changes in Nuxt 4

Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Updated: January 2nd 2025

When you hear "major version upgrade," it often triggers anxiety about extensive rewrites and breaking changes. However, Nuxt 4 takes a different approach. As Daniel Roe, a core team member, puts it: "I'm looking forward to taking half the day to upgrade our project, rather than having to take 6 months to re-write the entire app." This sentiment perfectly captures the essence of Nuxt 4 - it's a major release focused on sustainable improvements rather than revolutionary changes.

What’s New in Nuxt 4 Course

We’ve gone over all the content featured in this article and more in our video course What’s New in Nuxt 4. If you want to dive deeper into changes in Nuxt 4, go watch the course now!

Directory Structure: The Most Significant Change

The most notable change in Nuxt 4 is its reorganized directory structure, designed to improve development experience and performance. This restructuring brings two major benefits:

  1. Enhanced File Watching Performance: The new structure optimizes Chokidar's file watching capabilities, resulting in faster development cycles
  2. Clear Separation of Concerns: There's now a distinct boundary between client/server code and app/API functionality

Key Directory Changes

  • A new shared/ directory has been introduced for code that needs to be accessible across both client and server environments
  • Better organization of server-side and client-side code
  • Clearer distinction between application and API layers
  • Works for utils and types

Breaking Changes: What You Need to Know

Major Changes

  1. Shallow Data Reactivity
    • useAsyncData and useFetch now implement shallow reactivity by default
    • This change improves performance while maintaining practical functionality
  2. Normalized Component Names
    • Component naming conventions have been standardized the folder + file name combo not only in Nuxt-land but also for ALL cases where a component name is passed as a string in Vue (like KeepAlive)
    • This also applies to the name of components within the devtools

Additional Notable Changes

  • The window.__NUXT__ object has been removed
  • Directory index scanning of modules has been updated
  • Route metadata deduplication has been implemented

Upgrading to Nuxt 4: A Streamlined Process

Nuxt has provided official codemods to make the upgrade process as smooth as possible. Here's how you can try out Nuxt 4 features:

Enable Compatibility Mode in Nuxt 3

# Add the following to your nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  future: {
    compatibilityVersion: 4,

Using the Official Codemod

npx codemod@latest nuxt/4/migration-recipe

This codemod will automatically handle many of the necessary changes for your upgrade but it’s not perfect, so some manual review with the upgrade guide at hand will also be required.

Additional Resources

To learn more about Nuxt 4 and stay updated with the latest developments:


Nuxt 4 represents a thoughtful evolution of the framework, prioritizing developer experience while maintaining stability. The focus on making the upgrade process as painless as possible shows the team's commitment to their community. Whether you're maintaining a large application or starting a new project, Nuxt 4 provides a solid foundation for modern web development.

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Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Daniel is the lead instructor at Vue School and enjoys helping other developers reach their full potential. He has 10+ years of developer experience using technologies including Vue.js, Nuxt.js, and Laravel.


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