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Global State Management with Pinia In Nuxt 3

Global State Management with Pinia In Nuxt 3

Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Updated: December 6th 2024

Pinia is the officially recommended state management solution for Vue.js. Nuxt 3 is the awesome meta framework built on top of Vue that includes out of the box support for SSR and a huge number of time-saving conventions. In this article, let’s take a look at how and why to use them together for the perfect global state management.

Why to Use Pinia with Nuxt

Yes, Nuxt does provide the useState composable as part of it’s core package for managing global state. You can read more about using useState for global state management in Nuxt docs. However, it’s still advisable to consider installing Pinia for a few reasons:

  1. Pinia is not just raw state but also includes concepts like getters and actions.
  2. Pinia is the officially recommended state management solution for Vue.
  3. Pinia has great support in the Vue.js devtools for debugging your global state
  4. There are a number of existing Pinia plugins that you can plug-and-play for your global state
  5. Pinia also supports SSR.
  6. Pinia is available outside of Nuxt as well and so team members who haven’t used Nuxt will be more likely to be familiar with Pinia than with useState
  7. Not to mention Pinia has an adorably cute pineapple logo!

How to Use Pinia with Nuxt

Ok, so you want to use Pinia with Nuxt as your global state management solution? Sweet! How do you do it?

Install and Register the Pinia Module

First, in order to use Pinia with Nuxt, you can install the official @pinia/nuxt module.

npx nuxi@latest module add pinia

Then you’ll need to register the module in nuxt.config.ts.

// nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@pinia/nuxt'],

After that you should be ready to start creating and using your first Pinia store! (If you aren’t familiar with the basics of Pinia, checkout our popular course on the topic!)

Configuring Auto-Imports

By default, @pinia/nuxt provides several convenient auto-imports to streamline your development process:

  • usePinia(): Works similarly to getActivePinia() but is optimized for Nuxt.
  • defineStore(): For defining your Pinia stores.
  • storeToRefs(): Extract individual refs from a store when needed.
  • acceptHMRUpdate(): Enables hot module replacement (HMR) for your stores.

This means you no longer have to manually import these from pinia whenever your defining your stores.

// stores/CountStore.ts
// no need to import defineStore and acceptHMRUpdate
export const useCountStore = defineStore('CountStore', {

if (import.meta.hot) {
  import.meta.hot.accept(acceptHMRUpdate(useCountStore, import.meta.hot));

Additionally, all stores within your stores folder are automatically imported. However, nested stores are not automatically detected. You can adjust this behavior by customizing the storesDirs option:

// nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  // Other configurations
  modules: ['@pinia/nuxt'],
  pinia: {
    storesDirs: ['./stores/**', './custom-folder/stores/**'],


Checkout this stackbliz project to see a demo of Nuxt + Pinia in action. While you’re at it, if you’d like to learn more about Nuxt 3 then checkout the upcoming Mastering Nuxt 3 course. Or if you’d like to dive deeper into Pinia for both basics and more advanced topics checkout our course: Pinia, the Enjoyable Vue Store.

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Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Daniel is the lead instructor at Vue School and enjoys helping other developers reach their full potential. He has 10+ years of developer experience using technologies including Vue.js, Nuxt.js, and Laravel.


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