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Vue.js Certification – What the Community Thinks

Vue.js Certification – What the Community Thinks

Maria Panagiotidou
Maria Panagiotidou
Updated: May 17th 2023

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that allows developers to build user interfaces and single-page applications. With its increasing global popularity, Vue.js has become a vital skill for web developers around the world, and Vue.js certification is one way for you to validate your skills and demonstrate your expertise with the framework to potential employers.

To better understand what the Vue.js community thinks of certification, and what you would expect from a certification product, we conducted a survey among Vue.js developers before setting out to design our Vue.js Certification program in partnership with Vue.js and Evan You.

Designing a certification program to meet the needs of the Vue.js community

The survey was conducted online and was sent to a database of over 8,000 Vue.js developers from all over the world, including the United States, Germany, Spain, France, Poland, Brazil, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, India, and even further afield.

The survey asked them about their level of experience, their current role, what they thought about the Vue.js Certification program, their expectations of such a program, and more. The response was overwhelming with 2,333 respondents who answered the call to give their feedback.

Excitement and Expectations for Certification

With 98% of respondents saying they were excited about the Vue.js Certification program, we knew there was a need for an official certification of competence for the Vue.js Framework.

From wanting to validate their skills and knowledge in Vue.js (81.7%) to enhancing their job prospects and career advancement (63.4%) and demonstrating their expertise and commitment to Vue.js (58.8%), or simply wanting to stay current with industry developments and standards (58.2%), and increase their earning potential, the feedback showed an appetite for the benefits of certification, and we were determined to create a product that would deliver on these expectations at every turn.

Vue.js Certification Developer Expectations from getting certified

Experience and Level

While 37.5% of respondents indicated that they have 3-5 years of experience with Vue.js, on the other end of the scale, 11.1% indicated that they have more than 5 years, while 28.3% said they have 1-2 years of experience.

This linked to the level of certification that most developers were looking for, with 54.6% of respondents wanting a combination of both beginner and advanced certification, 33.2% looking for advanced certification, and 12.2% for beginner to intermediate certification.

As a result, we decided to create offer two levels of certification for aspiring and advanced Vue.js developers that would allow developers to progress seamlessly from one level to the next without delay.

The two levels of Vue.js certification are:

  1. Level 1:Certified Vue.js Developer, which validates your ability and certifies that you possess the necessary skills and expertise to utilize the framework to its fullest potential.

  2. Level 2:Certified Advanced Vue.js Developer is designed for Vue.js Developers that are looking to attain or demonstrate their suitability as a Senior Vue.js Developer. The certification introduces advanced concepts and elements required in such a position.

Preparation and Training for the examinations

Again, possibly linked to the level of experience, there were a variety of responses in terms of the level of assistance and training that developers were looking for. 65% of respondents indicated that they would be happy to read the Vue.js guide or books on their own in preparation for the exam, while over 62% wanted practice exams and online courses. In fact, 71% explicitly said that they wanted additional training too.

Vue.js Certification Additional Training Wanted

As such, we created the exam preparation guide for those who were confident in their abilities and simply want to familiarize themselves with the requirements of the exam, and what is expected of them.

For those who wanted additional training, there is additional self-study training, as well as live boot camp training sessions available for you to attend.

Self-Study Training is perfect for those Vue.js Developers that would like additional training, but are comfortable studying in their own time and at their own pace. This training material is designed to give you sufficient knowledge to prepare you for your chosen certification level.

Live Boot Camps are designed for those developers that would like a more intensive, hands-on approach. Hosted by industry experts in a live, virtual workshop platform, you’ll be taken through exam topics in detail, and enjoy the benefits of some personalized tips and tricks, as they walk you through your exam preparation. Each boot camp series consists of three such workshops.

Funding the future

We know our community of developers love staying up to date with the latest goings on in the world of Vue.js, so we weren’t surprised to see that more than 70% of respondents said that they were so committed to growing their knowledge that they would self-fund their studies.

That being said, with large companies like Upwork, Maersk, Nintendo, and others using Vue, we were also pleased to see that almost 20% of respondents said that their company would fund their studies. This supports what we already knew about the growing popularity of the Vue.js framework around the world.

It was with that in mind, that we set out to make the program as affordable as possible, for both the individual developer and for companies wanting to enhance the skills of their teams of developers.

Catering to the level of support that developers are looking for, we, therefore, offer the following products:

  1. Exam Only
  2. Exam & Preparation Bundle
  3. Exam, Preparation & Bootcamp Bundle

Teams can qualify for massively discounted packages to help make it more affordable for you to bring your whole team along on your journey to certification. Plus, to make Vue.js Certification accessible to everyone else around the world, we also offer student and Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) discounts to make the certification affordable, taking into account the relative currency exchange trends.

More than that, however, when you purchase a Vue.js Certification product, you can enjoy the added benefit of knowing that 25% of the proceeds of all sales go to supporting Vue.js, their core team, and the development of the Vue.js framework.

Investing in yourself

With more than 2,300 developers from all over the world indicating their excitement about the Vue.js certification and their prospects for professional development and career advancement, it’s clear that the Vue.js Certification program is a valuable resource for developers looking to enhance their skills and take their careers to the next level.

The examination question sets and code challenges are reviewed by Evan You, creator of Vue.js, which contributes to guaranteeing that the competencies tested are those necessary to ensure you’re able to effectively use the Vue.js framework.

If you’d like to find out how you can get your skills validated, read more about the official Vue.js Certification Program and choose the package that’s right for you today.

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Maria Panagiotidou
Maria Panagiotidou
Maria is the Product Director at Vue School. She is passionate about the Vue.js & Vue School community. 🙌


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