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Vue.js 3 Options API Masterclass

What Do I Need to Take the Vue 3 Masterclass? thumbnail image
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What Do I Need to Take the Vue 3 Masterclass?

🚧 PLEASE NOTE: This masterclass is built with the Options API

The Composition API Masterclass is coming soon!

In this lesson, we’ll go through the software you need to take our Vue 3 Masterclass.

If you do not want to spend time watching the video make sure you have Chrome with Vue.js devtools (beta), a terminal for your operating system, and an editor or IDE with Vue.js support.

Here are some links to software that makes it easier to work with Vue.js. Recommended software are written in the top of each list.



Vue Devtools

Update - If you are using VS Code the required extension for Vue.js 3 is now Volar (not Vetur).