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State Management with Pinia Live Workshop on 7 September

State Management with Pinia Live Workshop on 7 September

Maria Panagiotidou
Maria Panagiotidou
Updated: August 19th 2022

The State Management with Pinia Workshop is scheduled to take place LIVE on September 7 with instructors Alex Kyriakidis and Daniel Kelly. But what do we mean when we talk about Pinia? Well, we’re not talking about pineapples and piña coladas, although we were inspired by them when we came up with the idea! Rather, we’re talking about our new and improved store library that’s quickly become our first choice when it comes to Vue 3 state management.

pineapple floating with UI

Why you should care about Pinia…

In Vue.js, it’s usually quite simple to work with components, and share data among them using events and props - especially in small to medium projects. When an application starts growing, however, managing component state can quickly become tedious and overwhelming. This is where Pinia comes in.

Pinia is a state management solution that makes it easy to store data at a global level and share it across components.

The benefits of Pinia:

Easy to use and quick to learn, Pinia offers a whole host of awesome benefits:

Intuitive: Stores are as familiar as components, plus API designed to let you write well-organized stores. This also means there is less boilerplate code and fewer new concepts to learn compared to a solution like Vuex.

Extensible: React to store changes to extend Pinia with transactions, local storage synchronization etc. For those cases where the default behavior of Pinia isn’t enough, it also provides a comprehensive plugin system.

Type Safe: Types are inferred, which means stores provide you with comprehensive and accurate autocompletion, even in JavaScript!

Modular: Build multiple stores and let your bundler code split them automatically. Pinia is modular by default. This means better code organization for your stores and more performant applications.

Devtools Support: Pinia hooks into Vue devtools to give you an enhanced development experience in both Vue 2 and Vue 3. Plus view and alter your state directly from the devtools, and use the timeline to view mutations to the store over time.

Lightweight: Pinia weighs around 1kb. This makes it trivial to add to any project and a no-brainer for performance. In fact, it’s so lightweight, you’ll forget it’s even there!

Sign up for The State Management with Pinia Workshop

If you’re a web developer who knows the basics of Vue.js and are looking to manage application data without the headache of prop drilling, then you’ll want to grab your seat for the State Management with Pinia Workshop on 7 September 2022 today.

N.B. No prior experience with Pinia is necessary!

You should, however, have experience with the basics of Vue.js and building full-scale apps that could benefit from a central store.

What will you learn?

From understanding global state management to creating a Pinia store, organizing the store modules and using composables in the Pinia state, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Pinia and work on real-world features.

By the end of the workshop, you’ll be able to develop elegant, debuggable, maintainable, and organized applications using a centralized store.


Ways to attend the workshop

  1. Win a ticket!
    Join us at Vue.js Forge and stand a chance to win 1 of 50 free tickets to this exclusive workshop where you’ll be taught the ins and outs of Pinia.
  2. Buy a ticket
    Want to have a guaranteed place? Purchase a ticket for $299 and secure your seat for this workshop before they’ll sold out.
  3. Sign up as a team
    Help us keep events like Vue.js Forge free for our community. Register for the event as a team of two or more people and get a guaranteed ticket to the Pinia Workshop worth $299 each, plus these added benefits:
    • 12 Months premium access to Vue School worth $300 each
    • Dedicated team collaboration space for Vue.js Forge Episode 2
    • Your logo up as a Community Sponsor worth $1500
      If your developers attend Vue.js Forge Episode 2 as a team, they will have the opportunity to work together on building the e-commerce app. This way they can collaborate, help each other and get closer as a team.

Can’t wait?
If you’re keen to get going and can’t wait for the workshop, get an overview of Pinia from our resident expert, Daniel Kelly, or for a deep dive, take a look at the Vue School Pinia course.

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Maria Panagiotidou
Maria Panagiotidou
Maria is the Product Director at Vue School. She is passionate about the Vue.js & Vue School community. 🙌


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