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What is a Vue.js Error Boundary Component?

What is a Vue.js Error Boundary Component?

Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Updated: March 17th 2025
This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Handling Error in Vue Like A Pro

Picture this: You've just deployed your shiny new Vue application. Everything looks perfect in your dev environment. Then your phone buzzes with a message from a user: "Hey, the dashboard is completely blank." We've all been there, and it's not a great feeling.

What if there was a way to contain errors so they only affect the specific component that's misbehaving, while the rest of your application keeps running smoothly? Enter Error Boundary components – your application's safety net for catching errors before they ruin the user experience.

In this guide, we'll dive into the world of error boundaries in Vue: what they are, why they're a game-changer for your applications, how to build your own, and where to find ready-made solutions to save yourself some time. Let's turn those frustrating error scenarios into manageable, graceful failures!

What Are Error Boundaries in Vue?

Think of error boundaries as specialized bodyguards for your components. They catch JavaScript errors in their descendant component tree and smoothly display a fallback UI instead of letting your entire application crash and burn. They're the difference between "the whole app is down!" and "hmm, that one widget isn't loading, but everything else works fine."

Screenshot 2025-03-04 at 3.41.51 PM.png

Why Error Boundaries Are Essential for Vue Applications

Let's be honest – errors happen to the best of us. Here's why error boundaries should be your new best friends:

  1. Improved User Experience: Instead of showing users the dreaded blank screen (or worse, cryptic error messages that make no sense to non-developers), error boundaries let you display friendly, helpful fallback interfaces.
  2. Error Isolation: Think of error boundaries as quarantine zones for bugs. They contain the problem to just one section of your application, preventing the infection from spreading to everything else.
  3. Maintainable Error Handling Code: By centralizing error handling logic in dedicated components, your codebase stays cleaner and more organized. Future you (and your team) will thank present you.
  4. Graceful Degradation: Just because one feature crashes doesn't mean the whole party has to end. Error boundaries let individual features fail gracefully while the rest of your application keeps the music playing.

How to Use Error Boundaries in Vue Applications

To use error boundaries effectively, you typically wrap potentially problematic components or sections of your application with an error boundary component. Here's a basic usage pattern:

      <RiskyFeatureComponent />

      <template #error="{ error, reset }">
        <div class="error-container">
          <p>Something went wrong with this feature.</p>
          <button @click="reset">Try Again</button>

    <!-- The rest of your app continues to function -->
    <AnotherComponent />

In this pattern, if RiskyFeatureComponent throws an error, the error boundary captures it and renders the fallback UI defined in the #error slot instead. Meanwhile, AnotherComponent continues to function normally.

Building Your Own Vue Error Boundary Component

Vue core doesn’t ship with an error boundary component but you can build your own simple and effective error boundary component using the Composition API and the built-in onErrorCaptured lifecycle hook.

<script setup lang="ts">
// create an reactive container to store the potential error
const error = ref();

// using Vue's build in lifecycle hook
// listen for errors from components passed to the default slot
onErrorCaptured((err) => {
    // set the reactive error container to the thrown error
  error.value = err;

  // return false to prevent error from bubbling further
  // (this is optional, if you have a top level error reporter catching errors 
  // you probably don't want to do this. 
  // Alternatively you could report your errors in the boundary and prevent bubble
  return false;

// create a way to clear the error
function clearError() {
  error.value = null;

// provide the error and the clear error function to the slot
// for use in consuming component to display messaging
// and clear the error 
const slotProps = computed(() => {
  if (!error.value) return {};
  return { error, clearError };

// if there's an error show the error slot, otherwise show the default slot
const slotName = computed(() => (error.value ? "error" : "default"));
  <slot :name="slotName" v-bind="slotProps"></slot>

Error Boundary Tips

Now that you know what an error boundary is, how to use one, and even have the code to build your own, you might go a little overboard. Here are some tips for using error boundaries effectively.

  1. Strategic Placement: Don't just sprinkle error boundaries randomly – place them strategically around components that are likely to cause trouble:
    • Those fancy data visualization charts that depend on complex data and rendering
    • Third-party integrations (we all know those can be unpredictable!)
    • Components that make fetch requests
    • Lazy-loaded components that might not show up to the party
  2. Find the Right Balance: Don't go overboard by wrapping every tiny component in an error boundary (that's like putting bubble wrap on everything you own!).
  3. Speak Human in Error Messages: When something breaks, your users don't need to see "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of undefined." Give them friendly, helpful messages that don't make them feel like they broke your app.
  4. Offer an Escape Hatch: Whenever possible, give users a way out with recovery options. A simple "Try Again" button can turn frustration into relief when it actually fixes the problem.
  5. Keep Receipts (Log Those Errors): However you end up implementing your error boundaries, make sure they don’t prevent errors from being logged to your monitoring system for review from the development team.
  6. Different Strokes for Different Folks: Be detailed with error information during development (for your brilliant developer brain), but keep things simple and reassuring for users in production (for their peace of mind).

Real-World Example: Dashboard with Multiple Widgets

Let's look at a practical example of using error boundaries in a dashboard with multiple independent widgets:

  <div class="dashboard">
    <h1>User Dashboard</h1>

    <div class="widgets-container">
      <!-- Each widget has its own error boundary -->
        <UserStatsWidget :userId="userId" />
        <template #error>
          <WidgetErrorState widget-name="User Statistics" />

        <RecentActivityWidget :userId="userId" />
        <template #error>
          <WidgetErrorState widget-name="Recent Activity" />

        <NotificationsWidget :userId="userId" />
        <template #error>
          <WidgetErrorState widget-name="Notifications" />

With this approach, if the UserStatsWidget fails to load or throws an error during rendering, only that widget will show an error state while the rest of the dashboard continues to function.

Off-the-Shelf Error Boundary Components for Vue

Finally, if you'd prefer not to build your own error boundary component or want a more robust solution than the component above, a quick google search provides several pre-built solutions.

  1. NuxtErrorBoundary - Nuxt hast a built in error boundary component. I can vouch for this one, it’s great! But it’s only available within a Nuxt project.
  2. vue-error-boundary - Has a handy stop-propagation prop to prevent bubbling but takes a “fallback” component instance as a prop instead of supporting an error slot.
  3. vu-error-boundary - Looks pretty nice. Includes a fallback slot (in lieu of an error slot) and provides a resetErrorBoundary function to the slot.


Error boundaries are a little intimidating on first introduction but really they are a simple and highly practical tool for gracefully handling errors in Vue.js. With the knowledge gained from this article you’re ready to wield ErrorBoundaries in your Vue apps for a better DX and UX.

Want to go beyond error boundaries and dive even further into Vue.js error handling?

Check out our comprehensive course Handling Errors in Vue Like a Pro where we dive deeper into error boundaries and all the other error-fighting techniques that will make your applications rock-solid.

Related Courses

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Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Daniel is the lead instructor at Vue School and enjoys helping other developers reach their full potential. He has 10+ years of developer experience using technologies including Vue.js, Nuxt.js, and Laravel.


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