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Master Vue.js and the Ecosystem

Video Lessons
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Access a huge catalog of Vue.js courses to help you with anything from setting up your first Vue application to developing advanced user interfaces.
Starting with the Fundamentals of the framework we guide you from scaffolding to deploying your Nuxt.js applications.
Pinia is the officially recommended global state management solution for modern Vue.js applications. It's intuitive API, dev tools integration, and small size make it perfect for any application.
Testing & Jest
Ready to improve your daily life by writing better tests? We’ll teach you all the testing jargon and techniques you need to know to test your Vue apps with confidence.
GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime to execute said queries. At Vue School you will learn GraphQL and how to use it with Vue.js using Vue Apollo.
JavaScript is a pre-req to learning Vue.js but TypeScript is the next level for JS development. Discover the safety and improved IDE support that a type system can provide with TypeScript courses crafted especially for Vue developers.
Learn from the fundamentals of Vitest directly from it's creator Anthony Fu.
Vite is the lightning-fast build tool created by Evan You. Learn how to use Vite to work with single file components, images, CSS, and more.
Open AI
AI plays a large role in the future of web development. Learn how to integrate with the uncontested leader of AI with a Vue.js application.
The composition API brings about a whole new paradigm of code re-use to the Vue.js ecosystem and VueUse is the paramount example of this. Learn to use it's wealth of composables to quickly enhance your Vue apps.
All web applications have one very interactive feature in common: Forms. FormKit is the go-to solution for all your form needs in Vue.js.
Learn to use this first-class headless CMS to provide content for a Nuxt.js website.
Astro is the first framework of it's kind to focus on the "islands approach". Best of all, we can use it with Vue. Let us show you how!
Tailwind CSS is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework that allows developers to create fast and responsive user interfaces without leaving their HTML.

And many more

Also Included
The Vue.js 3 Masterclass

Learn Vue and the ecosystem by building a real world application from scratch.

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We are happy to hear your business needs and figure how we can help you out. Check out our business pricing for team training or contact us for business inquires any time!

Vue School for Teams
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Your key to unlocking the full potential of Vue.js
Get access to all the latest courses related to Vue.js and the broader ecosystem
Learn Vue.js and modern, cutting-edge front-end technologies from core-team members and industry experts with our premium tutorials and video courses. Dozens of in-depth courses are available right now! Designed to take you and your professional career to the next level. Our catalogue includes courses about Vue.js, Nuxt, Testing, State Management with Pinia, Advanced Form Validation, Storybook with Vue.js, Vue Router 4, Vite and many more.
New lessons are released every week, so you can keep your knowledge of Vue.js and the ecosystem up-to-date.
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Featured Trainers

Picture of Alex Kyriakidis
Alex Kyriakidis

Alex is an educator and consultant, core member of the Vue.js team and author of the first best-selling books on Vue.js

Picture of Debbie O’Brien
Debbie O’Brien

Head Developer Advocate at bitdev. Ex Head of Learning and Developer Advocate at Nuxt.js

Picture of Filip Rakowski
Filip Rakowski

Filip is passionate about the newest web technologies with a special love for Vue and Progressive Web Apps. Open source creator. Co-founder of Vue Storefront and author of Storefront UI.

Picture of Anthony Fu
Anthony Fu

Vue.js, Nuxt.js and Vite.js Core team member and creator of Vitest

Picture of Roman Kuba
Roman Kuba

Engineering Manager at GitLab, Testing Expert

Picture of Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly

Full Time Vue School teacher, Vue.js Expert

Picture of Bart Ledoux
Bart Ledoux

Co-Maintainer of vue-styleguidist

Picture of Lydia Hallie
Lydia Hallie

Software Engineer, Consultant, Web Instructor

Picture of Chris Fritz
Chris Fritz

Educator & Author of the official Vue.js guide

Picture of Aleksej Dix
Aleksej Dix

Head of Frontend, Husband, Vue.js organization manager, Meetup organizer, teacher, mentor

Picture of Zakaria Sahmane
Zakaria Sahmane

Lover of Frontend Development with his efforts are mostly going towards Vue and Svelte.

Picture of Nick Basile
Nick Basile

Nick is an author, consultant and educator that specializes in Laravel and Vue.js

Picture of Alexander Lichter
Alexander Lichter

Alex is a skilled full stack developer and member of the Nuxt.js core team

Picture of Felipe Flor
Felipe Flor

Software Engineer

Picture of Rolf Haug
Rolf Haug

He co-founded Vue School and is passionate about testing, performance, architecture, and the business aspects of web development.

Picture of Carlos Rufo
Carlos Rufo

Carlos is a passionate developer who loves open source and sharing his knowledge. He authored the SpaceX GraphQL API and organize GraphQL meetups in Madrid

Picture of Mikhail Kuznetcov
Mikhail Kuznetcov

Mikhail is a passionate developer who loves to share his knowledge with the world. As a team leader, public speaker, workshop organizer, teacher of JavaScript and Vue.js, he has trained developers worldwide

Picture of Maria Lamardo
Maria Lamardo

Author and maintainer of Vue 3 Accessibility Documents / Accessibility Consultant / Vue.js Community Partner/ International Speaker / Accessibility Advocate / BCABA / Community Organizer

Our users are saying

Picture of Steve Popoola
Although I was already using Vue.js professionally for a while, I decided to sign up with Vue School - and I am glad I did.

I had so many Aha! moments as I watched each video and I can say that my knowledge has skyrocketed from where it was before I joined Vue School.
Steve Popoola
Senior Developer, Telum Media
Picture of Pyae Sone
Before I joined Vue School, I found it hard to deeply understand Vuejs.

e.g how should I implement High Order Functions, Modularize the Vuex Store, Vuelidate features, Vue Config Webpack.

I really recommend to join Vue School.
Pyae Sone
Full Stack Developer
Picture of Lou Rectoret
Finally a platform to really learn vue.js that's not only for beginners!

I love how Vue School implements ES6 in real cases and how active the Slack community is. From time to time the instructors from the CORE team answering crucial questions!
Lou Rectoret
FE Architect, Trivago
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