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Alex is an educator and consultant, core member of the Vue.js team and author of the first best-selling books on Vue.js
Head Developer Advocate at bitdev. Ex Head of Learning and Developer Advocate at Nuxt.js
Filip is passionate about the newest web technologies with a special love for Vue and Progressive Web Apps. Open source creator. Co-founder of Vue Storefront and author of Storefront UI.
Vue.js, Nuxt.js and Vite.js Core team member and creator of Vitest
Engineering Manager at GitLab, Testing Expert
Full Time Vue School teacher, Vue.js Expert
Co-Maintainer of vue-styleguidist
Software Engineer, Consultant, Web Instructor
Educator & Author of the official Vue.js guide
Head of Frontend, Husband, Vue.js organization manager, Meetup organizer, teacher, mentor
Lover of Frontend Development with his efforts are mostly going towards Vue and Svelte.
Nick is an author, consultant and educator that specializes in Laravel and Vue.js
Alex is a skilled full stack developer and member of the Nuxt.js core team
Software Engineer
He co-founded Vue School and is passionate about testing, performance, architecture, and the business aspects of web development.
Carlos is a passionate developer who loves open source and sharing his knowledge. He authored the SpaceX GraphQL API and organize GraphQL meetups in Madrid
Mikhail is a passionate developer who loves to share his knowledge with the world. As a team leader, public speaker, workshop organizer, teacher of JavaScript and Vue.js, he has trained developers worldwide
Author and maintainer of Vue 3 Accessibility Documents / Accessibility Consultant / Vue.js Community Partner/ International Speaker / Accessibility Advocate / BCABA / Community Organizer
Eduardo San Martin Morote
Author of Pinia and Vue Router
"VueSchool proves to be an excellent platform for mastering Vue. Continuously updating their course offerings to remain aligned with the ever-evolving ecosystem, they even delve into topics beyond the Vue framework at times."
1 November 2023
Filip Rakowski
Co-founder & CDXO VueStorefront
"VueSchool is always the first resource we recommend our customers use for learning Vue.js and Nuxt. We also use it internally to level up the skills of our own developers and catch up with the latest additions to the ecosystem and best practices. I couldn't recommend VueSchool more!"
31 October 2023
Daniel Roe
Head of Nuxt Framework
"It's always a pleasure to collaborate with Vue School. I know they're dedicated to providing quality content and working to keep developers up-to-date with the latest info in the Vue and Nuxt ecosystems."
31 October 2023
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