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Crafting a Custom Component Library with Vue and Daisy UI

Crafting a Custom Component Library with Vue and Daisy UI

Do you want to build your own component library with Vue.js? We’ll show you how to get started in our course: Crafting a Custom Component Library with Vue and Daisy UI.
What Makes a Good (Vue) Component Library? A Checklist

What Makes a Good (Vue) Component Library? A Checklist

Considering building a Vue Component library? Checkout this checklist of concerns you should make sure to remember!
Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
How to fit 1100+ lessons of free Vue.js training into 48 hours

How to fit 1100+ lessons of free Vue.js training into 48 hours

Vue School’s Free Weekend is back from 23-24 March 2024. This how-to guide will show you how to make the best use of the free Vue.js training courses on offer.
Maria Panagiotidou
Maria Panagiotidou
The CJS build of Vite’s Node API is deprecated

The CJS build of Vite’s Node API is deprecated

Run into this in your Vite + Vu.js project? CJS build of Vite’s Node API is deprecated. Fix it now!
Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Common Mistakes in Vue.js

Common Mistakes in Vue.js

In this blog article, we will explore some common mistakes developers make when working with Vue.js and provide practical advice on how to avoid them.
Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Zod and Query String Variables in Nuxt

Zod and Query String Variables in Nuxt

This article explores using Zod, a validation library, with query string variables in Nuxt applications. It explains how to validate and extract valid data from query strings using Zod in a straightforward manner.
Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
Lazy Hydration and Server Components in Nuxt – Vue.js 3 Performance

Lazy Hydration and Server Components in Nuxt – Vue.js 3 Performance

In the previous article, I mentioned two main ways that allow new, custom code to enter our Nuxt.js Application - components and plugins. Today, we will learn everything about the former. For most Nuxt.js applications, components are #1 contributor to the JavaScript bundle size.
Filip Rakowski
Filip Rakowski
The Ultimate Guide for Using Vue.js with Laravel

The Ultimate Guide for Using Vue.js with Laravel

This article is your guide to navigating the exciting world of Vue-Laravel integration. We'll delve into different approaches, exploring their strengths and weaknesses to help you choose the perfect match for your project.
Mostafa Said
Mostafa Said
Vue.js Certification Year End Wrap up

Vue.js Certification Year End Wrap up

In February 2023, the Official Vue.js Certification was introduced. Explore this blog post to learn about the significant impact the program has had on the community and its substantial contributions.
Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly

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